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Meet the Punk Rock Zombies of TOE TAG RIOT! – Go Fund This on Kickstarter!

June 2, 2014

zombie-banner-font-cracked31Its been a while since I’ve done a Blogging Dead post.  I have my reasons, of which there are many.  The primary reason is that there haven’t been any zombie centric projects that crossed my path which caught my eye, and made me say “YEAH!!!”  Yes folks, this means I was bored by the last season of the Walking Dead.  I watched it, but it really didn’t do it for me.  As a result, ZOMBIES were dead to me. Pun definitely intended.  They were dead, at least until this past week (week and a half?) when I heard about the next project coming from comic-book creators Matt Miner and Sean Von Gorman, Toe Tag Riot!

According to the description on Kickstarter, Toe Tag Riot is:

A hilariously gory mash-up of rad stuff like Night of the Living Dead, a GWAR live show, and hardcore punk rock, TOE TAG RIOT is a tongue-in-cheek, lighthearted torrential downpour of blood and guts sure to please anyone who LOVES FUN and HATES JERKS like Million Moms, Nazi Skinheads, Dudebros and the Westboro Baptist Church!

Toe Tag Riot is LGBTQ-positive, and inclusive to everyone except bigots.  Bigots are zombie food.  Toe Tag Riot is a fun book with a positive message and a diverse cast of wacky characters.

Matt Miner is accustomed to telling stories which are worth telling.  Everything he writes contains a positive message that we can all stand to learn from.  He wants the world to be a better place, and you can clearly see that in his work.  In a world filled 99% (I totally made this figure up) with comics featuring ridiculously  proportioned men and women fighting the utterly pointless never-ending battle, Miner’s books stand out as masterfully crafted graphic novels.  Liberator, from Black Mask Studio, tackled the subject of Animal Rights through the eyes of an activist, and it happens to be available as a collection on Amazon right now.  Go grab a copy for yourself—–> HERE.

Sean Von Gorman, artist of Toe Tag Riot, is a bit of a renaissance man.  One of the few times I bumped into him was at the New York Comic Con in 2013 when he was performing escape artistry for a large crowd.  Along with his real-life ability to perform these feats, Von Gorman performed the art duties on The Secret Adventures of Houdini, a wonderful telling of the ” untold stories of the final years of Harry Houdini’s life.”

In the hands of these two creators, this fun take on Zombies as protagonists might just be the new blood that the genre needs.

The Kickstarter offers packages for every budget level from the $7 “Digital only Package” where you get a copy of the first issue emailed to you upon availability, all the way to the “Have Your Likeness Drawn Into the Book A Lot as a Punk Zombie” for a cool $1000, and come on, who among you hasn’t dreamed of seeing yourself as a punk rock zombie?  There are many other tiers of awards, including comic collections, digital comics, t-shirts, original art commissions, etc.

I backed it right away.  You should go back it too.  Go. Do it. We need more zombie tales that are worth reading.


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